PacisLexis Family Law

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PacisLexis Family Law


Challenging paternity

Challenging paternity

In France, ‘filiation’ refers to the legal or biological relationship between a parent and a child. This term is often used in legal contexts to discuss matters of family law, inheritance, custody and parental rights.

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Paying for divorce

Paying for divorce

Around 130,000 divorces are granted each year in France, but at what cost?
The primary expense during a divorce is related to lawyer fees, which are not fixed and vary depending on the reputation of the firm and the complexity of your circumstances. Notary fees must also be considered when calculating the overall cost of a divorce.
Generally speaking, the more contentious a separation is, with repeated disputes, the higher these costs will be.

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Divorcing a narcissist

Divorcing a narcissist

When you first met your partner, you had already heard about narcissist or manipulative abuser. Most of the time you may not realise that your partners’ behaviour is narcissistic, and it was not your situation.
Step by step you felt emotionally down. Tears, endless discussions and sleepless nights have replaced your fairy tale.
How to realise that this incredible person at the beginning of your relationship, the one you loved so much, turns into being a monster?

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PacisLexis Family Law


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Children maintenance

Children maintenance

Children maintenance definition

Children maintenance is a set of payments made from one parent to another to help pay for your child’s living costs. It’s paid by the parent who doesn’t usually live with the child to the person who has most day-to-day care of the child and called ’child support’.

This payment is not only based on day-to-day care of the child but also on both parents’ earnings.

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PacisLexis Family Law

Criminal family law

Fertility lawyer

Fertility lawyer

Fertility lawyers play a crucial role in guiding individuals and couples through the legal complexities of fertility treatment in France. They offer legal advice, draft contracts, and ensure compliance with regulations, protecting the rights and interests of their clients.

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PacisLexis Family Law

Financial matters

Spousal maintenance

Spousal maintenance

Only spouses so married couples may be entitled to a maintenance claim or to pay for spousal maintenance and your lawyer’s firm can help you calculate the award.
Spousal maintenance definition:
Spousal maintenance is a payment paid by a spouse to the other spouse if a spouse doesn’t have enough income after you’re separated from the other.
When a spouse has much higher income than the other, there may need to be a period of ongoing financial support in order not to affect the well-being of the other.
The paying spouse is the debtor and the one receiving the allowance is the recipient.

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Divorce with a business involved

Divorce with a business involved

The life of a company is shaped by economic and legislative changes, but these elements do not determine a company’s viability. Indeed, financial and management issues can come up when getting a divorce.
Despite private and emotional issues a business owner may have, you can face financial and legal consequences putting your company at risk.
When getting a divorce, the company’s future will be based on your matrimonial property regime and contractual agreements.

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French-UK Nuptial agreement

French-UK Nuptial agreement

Marital agreement definition in France

In France, a marital agreement is a legal document where spouses decide how they want to share their assets during and after their marriage (divorce, death…).

A marital agreement is not compulsory in France but useful for couples who want to separate assets, properties and belongings.

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PacisLexis Family Law


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PacisLexis Family Law