PacisLexis Family Law

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PacisLexis Family Law


International child law

International child law

International child law is a dynamic and vital field of law that addresses the rights, protection, and welfare of children across international borders. In an increasingly globalized world, families are more mobile, and cross-border interactions are commonplace, leading to a rise in complex legal issues concerning children. These can include international child abduction, custody disputes, intercountry adoption, trafficking, and exploitation.

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Online divorce

In France, “le divorce en ligne » or online divorce in English is misleading.
In France, online divorce does not exist. If it’s possible to carry out the paperwork related to uncontested divorce, in France, the spouses along with their respective lawyers must have a face-to-face meeting to sign their uncontested divorce agreement. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO AVOID THIS MEETING.
Being aware of this, online divorce is possible only for uncontested divorce in France. It allows spouses to separate quickly and at a lower cost.

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Collaborative Law

Collaborative Law

Going to Court is not always the best solution to resolve a dispute.
We tend to say that going to court ends with ‘one party wins’ ‘one party loses’. The reality is not that straight forward.
Winning a dispute sometimes involves losing bonds and relationships with a child, a partner, a mother…

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PacisLexis Family Law




In France there are 2 types of adoption.
In the UK there are 4 main types of adoption: fostering to adopt, adoption of a child from foster care, non-agency adoption and overseas adoption.
In the US, there are 5 types of adoption: adopting through the Child Welfare system (foster care), private adoption, international adoption, relative adoption and adult adoption.

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Surrogacy, also known as surrogacy or “GPA” (Gestation Pour Autrui), involves a contractual arrangement between a woman, commonly referred to as a “surrogate mother,” and a couple known as the “intended parents.”
In surrogacy, a couple can hire the services of a surrogate mother to carry and give birth to a child on their behalf. Subsequently, the surrogate mother relinquishes custody of the child to the intended parents upon the child’s birth.

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Children maintenance

Children maintenance

Children maintenance definition

Children maintenance is a set of payments made from one parent to another to help pay for your child’s living costs. It’s paid by the parent who doesn’t usually live with the child to the person who has most day-to-day care of the child and called ’child support’.

This payment is not only based on day-to-day care of the child but also on both parents’ earnings.

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PacisLexis Family Law

Criminal family law

Men divorce lawyer

Men divorce lawyer

In discussions surrounding legal proceedings such as divorce, custody battles, and instances of abuse, the focus often tends to gravitate towards women’s experiences. However, it’s imperative to acknowledge that men too face unique challenges and complexities in these realms.

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Domestic abuse

Domestic abuse

In France, domestic abuse is referred to as “violences conjugales” or “violences au sein du couple.” It encompasses a range of behaviours that occur within a domestic or marital relationship and can include physical violence, psychological abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and economic control.
The definition and legal consequences of domestic abuse in France are primarily governed by the French Civil Law and the French criminal Law (‘’Code Pénal). The specific legal provisions related to domestic abuse can be complex and may vary depending on the circumstances and the severity of the abuse.

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PacisLexis Family Law

Financial matters

Civil partnership agreement

Civil partnership agreement

What is a PACS in France?
PACS stands for civil partnership between two people who do not wish to get married but look for a legal recognition. PACS is available to both same-sex or opposite-sex couples.
In France you can go to your town hall to register a PACS but also to bring it to an end whenever you want. In England to end a civil partnership, you have to wait until it has lasted for at least a year.

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Calculating child maintenance payments

Calculating child maintenance payments

Child maintenance calculations can vary between countries, and both France and the UK have their own systems for determining child maintenance payments.
United Kingdom (UK):
In the UK, child maintenance payments are typically determined by the Child Maintenance Service (CMS), which is a government agency. The CMS uses a formula to calculate the amount of child maintenance that the non-residential parent (the parent who doesn’t have the main day-to-day care of the child) should pay. The formula considers factors such as the non-residential parent’s gross income, the number of children involved, and the number of nights the children spend with the non-residential parent.

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Spousal maintenance

Spousal maintenance

Only spouses so married couples may be entitled to a maintenance claim or to pay for spousal maintenance and your lawyer’s firm can help you calculate the award.
Spousal maintenance definition:
Spousal maintenance is a payment paid by a spouse to the other spouse if a spouse doesn’t have enough income after you’re separated from the other.
When a spouse has much higher income than the other, there may need to be a period of ongoing financial support in order not to affect the well-being of the other.
The paying spouse is the debtor and the one receiving the allowance is the recipient.

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PacisLexis Family Law


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PacisLexis Family Law