PacisLexis Family Law

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PacisLexis Family Law


Enforcement of financial orders

Enforcement of financial orders

Divorce often implies the division of assets and the establishment of financial obligations. These financial arrangements can include spousal support, child maintenance, or the distribution of shared property. The enforcement of such financial orders can vary significantly between different legal systems, influenced by local laws, court practices, and cultural norms.

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Lawyer for dads

Lawyer for dads

The issue of fathers’ rights in family courts is a complex and often contentious area of law, significantly impacting the lives of children and parents alike.
With growing recognition of the importance of both parents in a child’s upbringing, legal systems in various countries have evolved to address these concerns more equitably.
This article explores the legal landscape for fathers in family courts, focusing on the UK and France.
By examining questions around legal aid, parental rights, custody arrangements, and the nuances of parental responsibilities and restrictions, we aim to provide a comparative analysis that sheds light on how each country supports fathers in their roles.

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Effects of divorce on children

Effects of divorce on children

Divorce is a complex and multifaceted process that can have serious impacts, particularly for the children involved. In France, where divorce rates have risen steadily over the years, there is a growing recognition of the need to understand and address the effects of divorce on children.

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PacisLexis Family Law


International child law

International child law

International child law is a dynamic and vital field of law that addresses the rights, protection, and welfare of children across international borders. In an increasingly globalized world, families are more mobile, and cross-border interactions are commonplace, leading to a rise in complex legal issues concerning children. These can include international child abduction, custody disputes, intercountry adoption, trafficking, and exploitation.

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Bullying at school

Bullying at school

What is bullying?
There is no legal definition of bullying as such, but it can be defined as behaviour by an individual or group repeated over time that is intended to hurt or harm another individual, either physically, emotionally or verbally.
Statistics in France:
The French department of education reported that around 700,000 children experienced bullying in school every year.

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Fertility lawyer

Fertility lawyer

Fertility lawyers play a crucial role in guiding individuals and couples through the legal complexities of fertility treatment in France. They offer legal advice, draft contracts, and ensure compliance with regulations, protecting the rights and interests of their clients.

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PacisLexis Family Law

Criminal family law

Family Harassment lawyer

Family Harassment lawyer

Family harassment is a form of domestic violence and abuse. It can include physical abuse, threatening behaviour, psychological abuse, neglect…
Family harassment can take many forms, however, if you find yourself threatened, intimidated, and humiliated by a relative or a family member and/or your partner, it can affect your mental and physical health. Domestic abuse can happen to people of all genders. If you’re the victim of an abusive relationship, you might want to be protected and helped.

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Family Harassment lawyer

Family Harassment lawyer

Family harassment is a form of domestic violence and abuse. It can include physical abuse, threatening behaviour, psychological abuse, neglect…
Family harassment can take many forms, however, if you find yourself threatened, intimidated, and humiliated by a relative or a family member and/or your partner, it can affect your mental and physical health. Domestic abuse can happen to people of all genders. If you’re the victim of an abusive relationship, you might want to be protected and helped.

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Nursing home abuse

Nursing home abuse

Nursing home and elder abuse statistics in France for 2022 shows that 1 in 6 older adults (over 60s) has already experienced abuse and the numbers are on the rise.
Elderly abuse and neglect can take many forms. Nursing home abuse can have devastating emotional, physical and financial effects on older individuals.
Very often, nursing home and elder abuse happen in long-term care or other care facilities but also within their home.

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PacisLexis Family Law

Financial matters

Enforcement of financial orders

Enforcement of financial orders

Divorce often implies the division of assets and the establishment of financial obligations. These financial arrangements can include spousal support, child maintenance, or the distribution of shared property. The enforcement of such financial orders can vary significantly between different legal systems, influenced by local laws, court practices, and cultural norms.

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Bullying in the workplace lawyer

Bullying in the workplace lawyer

Workplace bullying is a significant issue that can lead to severe consequences for both employees and employers. It damages employee well-being, reduces productivity, and can create a toxic work environment. Different legal systems address workplace bullying in distinct ways, particularly when comparing the French civil law system with the common law system found in countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.

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Marriage lawyer

Marriage lawyer

In today’s globalized world, the boundaries of love and partnership extend far beyond national borders, leading to a growing phenomenon of international marriage. For French citizens, the prospect of marrying someone from another country brings both excitement and challenges, as they embark on a journey that transcends cultural, legal, and logistical boundaries.

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PacisLexis Family Law


International disinheritance

International disinheritance

Disinheriting a child is a complex and often emotionally charged decision that involves navigating intricate legal frameworks. In France, the civil law system imposes strict rules known as forced heirship, which protect children’s inheritance rights and limit parents’ ability to disinherit their offspring. Conversely, in common law jurisdictions like England, parents enjoy greater testamentary freedom, allowing them to distribute their assets according to their wishes, including the possibility of disinheriting a child.

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Will – testament

Will – testament

A will is a legal document in which a person (called the testator) declares their intention as to what should happen to their money and property after their death. A will can be updated or removed until the testator death.

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International inheritance

International inheritance

International inheritance
Inheritance is the process by which the ownership of a deceased person’s property and assets (testator) is transferred to their heirs.
When it comes to legacy and the share of assets, as each country has its own laws and regulations, international inheritance requires legal advice.

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PacisLexis Family Law